Top People On Behance

Most Viewed Most Appreciated

A rating is based on Behance search results and included the following key data: people worldwide with the most viewed projects in all creative fields. Take a look at the relation between a rating and a rise of views.

# Rank by Views
Rise Views
Rise Appreciations
+5695 3127779
+592 441417
+5500 2845576
+511 392793
+7301 1974089
+522 170225
4 +4 Jack R.
+7409 max 1560738
+535 126034
5 +4 Jack L.
+7059 1368202
+518 112796
6 +4 Mari S.
+7124 1368295
+522 112802
7 +4 Alina L.
+6929 1368429
+505 112812
8 +4 Vitalii B.
+6115 1368784
+434 112830
+6032 1369017
+414 112837
10 +4 Stan D.
+6012 1368970
+415 112836
11 +4 Dmitry K.
+6060 1368907
+421 112834
12 +4 Nick B.
+6125 1368884
+426 112833
+5219 3387282
+403 344043
14 -8 Design Br
+6093 791252
+885 max 66549
15 -11 Pixel Surplus
+5822 20045326
+277 1405461
+71 246689
+2 3592
17 +1 Steisi Vogli
+3407 140327
+493 17756
+3012 1287411
+451 111160
19 +4 Artem Malyi
+4735 1851108
+353 243935
+2786 33354
+318 3201
21 -1 Saravana M
+3154 438923
+73 135044
22 -1 Saravanan M
+3070 438860
+70 134998
23 -1 M Saravana
+2994 438993
+71 135005
+1 min 270287
+1 min 4847

Update at 12:02 UTC+3
Last update 07 Sep, 2024 at 12:02